All perils except collision and upset

This coverage is optional, though it may be required (by your financial institution) if your vehicle is financed, or (by your lessor) if your vehicle is leased.

All Perils Except Collision and Upset car insurance coverage protects you against losses and damage to your vehicle (except risks under Collision and Upset coverage). 

For example, this coverage provides protection for:

  • Glass breakage
  • Fire, theft, vandalism
  • Weather-related damage (due to wind, lightning, hail, etc.)
  • Falling or airborne objects

Some situations in which All Perils Except Collision and Upset coverage would be useful to you:

  • You’re on the road and another vehicle sends a rock flying into your windshield, cracking it.
  • You park your car, and when you get back, there’s graffiti on the car’s hood.
  • A violent storm damages your vehicle.

Any damage to your vehicle caused by fire, theft or vandalism is covered by the All perils except collision and upset option. For damage caused to your vehicle in certain types of collisions, rollovers and hit-and-runs, coverage is provided by the Collision and upset option.

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Our auto insurance is available only to Quebec residents.