Sustainable development

Our sustainable development strategy

Our sustainable development strategy rests on
the following eight components:

  1. Ensure the financial wellbeing of our clients
  2. Effectively manage risks
  3. Follow high standards of governance
  4. Actively contribute to our communities
  5. Manage environmental impact
  6. Create a rewarding work environment centred around diversity and inclusion
  7. Practice responsible sourcing
  8. Incorporate ESG factors in our investment processes

iA Financial Group, carbon-neutral business

iA Financial Group has been carbon-neutral since January 1, 2020.

The “carbon-neutral business” certification attests that we have calculated and offset all our GHG emissions that could not be eliminated by our reduction measures in place.

What is carbon offsetting?

Offsetting is not a justification for polluting and does not seek to make GHG emissions more acceptable. Rather, offsetting is a mechanism that allows us to take concrete action by voluntarily investing in climate projects that reduce GHGs in the atmosphere.

By doing this, the GHGs emitted by our direct and indirect activities are offset by investing in carbon credits. A carbon credit (or offset credit) is a unit of measure used to facilitate transactions aimed at reducing the impact of human activities on our climate.

By purchasing carbon credits, we invest in reforestation, renewable energy and energy efficiency projects that were rigorously selected by our partner Planetair.

Categories of GHGs at iA...

For the most part, the GHGs we emit and calculate can be grouped into the following categories:

  • Employee commuting
  • Energy consumption in company-owned buildings
  • Business travel
  • Waste management
  • Company-organized events

Our Sustainable Development Report sets out the key data on our GHG emissions.

To find out more about carbon credits and carbon neutrality, see the FAQ produced by our partner Planetair.